See below for article information regarding new and recent publications SANA members related to the anthropology of North America. Also, be sure to check out the work being published in Home/Field.
Logan, Ryan I., Kihlström, Laura, and Kanan Mehta. 2023. “Anthropological Enough?” Reflections on Methodology, Challenges of Doing Fieldwork “At Home,” and Building a More Inclusive Discipline. Anthropology in Action 30, no. 2: 26-34.
Logan, Ryan I. 2022. “I Certainly Wasn’t As Patient-Centred”: Impacts and Potentials of Cross-training Paramedics as Community Health Workers. Anthropology in Action 29, no. 3: 14-22.
Logan, Ryan I. 2021. Professionalization as a “Double-Edged Sword”: Assessing the Professional Citizenship of Community Health Workers in the United States. Human Organization 80, no. 3: 192-202.
Logan, Ryan I., Melo, Milena A., & Heide Castañeda. 2021. Familial Vulnerability: Legal Status and Mental Health within Mixed-Status Families. Medical Anthropology 40, no. 7: 639-652.
Logan, Ryan I. & Heide Castañeda. 2020. Addressing Health Disparities in the Rural United States: Advocacy as Caregiving Among Community Health Workers and Promotores de Salud. International Journal of Environmental and Public Health Research 17, no. 24: 9223. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17249223
Mariner, Kathryn A. 2020. American Elegy: A Triptych. Public Culture 32, no. 1: 5-23. doi: 10.1215/08992363-7816269
Logan, Ryan I. 2020. “A Poverty in Understanding”: Assessing the Structural Challenges Experienced by Community Health Workers and Their Clients. Global Public Health 15, no. 1: 137-150. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1656275
Mariner, Kathryn A. 2019. White Parents, Black Care: Entanglements of Race and Kinship in American Transracial Adoption. American Anthropologist 121, no. 4: 845-856. doi: 10.1111/aman.13312
Mariner, Kathryn A. 2019. “Who You Are in These Pieces of Paper”: Imagining Future Kinship through Auto/Biographical Adoption Documents in the United States.