At the AAA 1997 meetings the SANA Graduate Student Caucus decided to develop a bibliography intended for graduate students as they prepare for comprehensive exams. It may also be useful for course preparation and beginning reading lists for post-doctoral scholars. We gathered bibliographies from graduate students and syllabi from professors. I (Jenell Williams Paris, Bethel College) compiled the lists into this bibliography.
This bibliography is not comprehensive. It includes the categories and citations which I received. So, for instance, sections on African-Americans and the Caribbean are fairly well developed, while sections on Asians and Latinos are fairly slim. There is no section for Native Americans in the United States, though I did receive a small section on Native Canadians. Also, a note that while most authors are trained as anthropologists, some are from other disciplines. I included geographers, historians, sociologists and others who are important to dialogue in a given area.
I think this bibliography will be best used as a guide for students entering the literature for the first time. It points to key works and key scholars in various areas, and if students use these citations as a guide, they will soon enter into a fuller scholarly conversation within their area.
I hope it is helpful! You are free to copy and distribute this bibliography. I welcome any comments.
Jenell Williams Paris (Student Board Member, SANA)
Bethel College, 3900 Bethel Dr., St. Paul, MN, 55112.
- On Anthropology in the U.S.
- On Race/Ethnicity
- Latinos
- Asian-Americans
- African-Americans
- Whites
- Caribbean
- Medical Anthropology
- Class: Poor, Working Class
- Class: Middle, Upper
- Rethinking Family/Kinship
- Feminist Anthropology
- Gay/Lesbian Anthropology
- Cities and Suburbs
- Native Canadians
- North American Nationalism
- Education
- Religion
On Anthropology in the U.S.
- Arensberg, Conrad
- 1955 American Communities. American Anthropologist 57:1143-1162.
- Auge, Marc
- 1998 A Sense for the Other: The Timeliness and Relevance of Anthropology. Stanford: Stanford U Press.
- Borneman, John
- 1995 American Anthropology as Foreign Policy. American Anthropologist 97(4): 663-672.
- Cole, Johnetta
- 1988 Anthropology for the Nineties: Introductory Readings. New York: The Free Press.
- DiLeonardo, Micaela
- 1998 Exotics at Home: Anthropologies, Others, American Modernity.
- Dorst, John D.
- The Written Suburb: An American Site, an Ethnographic Dilemma. Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania Press.
- DuBois, Cora
- 1955 The Dominant Value Profile of American Culture. American Anthropologist 57: 1232-1239.
- Eddy, Elizabeth and William Partridge, eds.
- 1978 Applied Anthropology in America. New York: Columbia U Press.
- Errington, Frederick
- 1987 Reflexivity Deflected: The Festival of Nations as an American Cultural Performance. American Ethnologist 14:654-667.
- Fitzgerald, Frances
- 1986 Cities on a Hill: A Journey Through Contemporary American Cultures. NY: Simon and Schuster.
- Forman, Shepard, ed.
- 1995 Diagnosing America: Anthropology and Public Engagement. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press.
- Fox, Richard
- 1991 Recapturing Anthropology. Santa Fe: SAR Press.
- Fox, Richard and Robert B. Westbrook, eds.
- 1997 In Face of the Facts: Moral Inquiry in American Scholarship. New York: Cambridge U Press.
- Goldschmidt, Walter
- 1995 The Unfamiliar in the Familiar. NAPA Bulletin 16: Insider Anthropology, E.L. Cerroni-Long, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
- Hall, Peter Dobkin
- 1982 The Organization of American Culture, 1700-1900. New York: NYU Press.
- Hallowell, A. Irving
- 1976 The Beginnings of Anthropology in America. In Selected Papers from the American Anthropologist. F. De Laguna, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
- Harrison, Faye, ed.
- 1991 Decolonizing Anthropology. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
- Henry, Jules
- 1974 A Theory for an Anthropological Analysis of American Culture. In Anthropology and American Life. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
- Hinsley, C.M.
- 1985 Hemispheric Hegemony in Early American Anthropology, 1841-1851: Reflections on John Lloyd Stephens and Lewis Henry Morgan. In Social Contexts of American Ethnology: 1840-1984.
- Holland, Dorothy and Andrew Kipnis
- 1994 Metaphors for Embarrassment and Stories of Exposure: The Not-So-Egocentric Self in American Culture. Ethos 22:3:316-342.
- Hymes, Dell, ed.
- 1974 Reinventing Anthropology. NY: Vintage.
- Jaffe, Alexandra
- 1995 The Limits of Detachment: A Non-Ethnography of the Military. NAPA Bulletin 16: Insider Anthropology. E.L. Cerroni-Long, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
- Jones, Delmos J.
- 1970 Towards a Native Anthropology. Human Organization 29:4:251-259.
- Kelly, Lawrence C.
- 19?? Why Applied Anthropology Developed When it Did: A Commentary on People, Money, and Changing Times, 1930-1945. In Social Contexts of American Ethnology, 1840-1984.
- Kimball, Solon T.
- 1955 Problems of Studying American Culture. American Anthropologist 57: 1131-1142.
- Lofgren, Ovar
- 1989 Anthropologizing America. American Ethnologist 16: 366-74.
- Lutz, Catherine and Jane Collins
- 1993 Reading National Geographic. Chicago, U of Chicago Press.
- Marcus, George and Michael Fischer
- 1986 Anthropology as Cultural Critique. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- Mead, Margaret
- 1965 And Keep Your Powder Dry: An Anthropologist Looks at America. New York: Morrow.
- Messerschmidt, ed.
- 1981 Anthropologists at Home in North America. Cambridge U Press.
- Moffatt, Michael
- 1992 Ethnographic Writing About American Culture. In Annual Review of Anthropology.
- Narayan, Kirin
- 1993 How Native is a “Native” Anthropologist? American Anthropologist 95: 3: 671-686.
- Ortner, Sherry
- 1991 Reading America: Preliminary Notes on Class and Culture. In Recapturing Anthropology. Richard G. Fox, ed. Pp. 163-189. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
- Peacock, James
- 1994 American Cultural Values: Disorders and Challenges. In Diagnosing America: Anthropology and Public Engagement. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press.
- Powdermaker, Hortense
- 1951 Hollywood: The Dream Factory. London: Seeker and Warburg.
- Rappaport, Roy A.
- 1994 Disorders of our Own. In Diagnosing America: Anthropology and Public Engagement. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press.
- Spindler, George and Louise Spindler
- 1983 Anthropologists View American Culture. In Annual Review of Anthropology.
- Stocking, George, ed.
- 1989 Romantic Motives: Essays on Anthropological Sensibility. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
- Strathern, Marilyn
- 1987 The Limits of Auto-Ethnography. In Anthropology at Home. Andrew Jackson, ed. London: Tavistock.
- Trouillot, Michel-Rolph
- 1990 Good-Day Columbus: Silences, Power and Public History (1492-1892).
- Varenne, Herve, ed.
- 1977 Americans Together; Structured Diversity in a Midwestern Town. New York: Teacher’s College Press.
- 1986 Symbolizing America. Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press.
- Warner, Lloyd
- 1959 The Living and the Dead: A Study of the Symbolic Life of Americans. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- 1963 Yankee City. New Haven: Yale U Press.
- Weiner, Annette
- 1996 Culture and our Discontents. American Anthropologist 97(1): 14-21.
- Whisnant, David E.
- 1983 All that is Native and Fine: The Politics of Culture in an American Region. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Press.
- Wolf, Eric
- 1975 American Anthropologists and American Society. In The Nacirema: Readings on American Culture. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
- Zinn, Maxine Boca
- 1979 Field Research in Minority Communities: Ethical, Methodological and Political Observations by an Insider. Social Problems 27: 209-219.
On Race/Ethnicity
- Anderson, Kay
- 1988 Cultural Hegemony and the Race Definition Process in Chinatown, Vancouver, 1880-1980. Environment and Planning: Society and Space 6: 127-149.
- Chock, Phyllis Pease
- 1987 The Irony of Stereotypes: Toward an Anthropology of Ethnicity. Cultural Anthropology 2: 347-368.
- Gregory, Steve and Roger Sanjek, eds.
- 1994 Race. New York: Cornell U Press.
- Harrison, Faye
- 1995 The Persistent Power of Race in the Cultural and Political Economy of Racism. Annual Review of Anthropology 24: 47-74.
- Myrdal, Gunnar
- 1944 An American Dilemma. New York: Harper.
- Sollors, Werner
- 1986 Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture. New York: Oxford U Press.
- Sollors, Werner, ed.
- 1989 The Invention of Ethnicity. New York and Oxford: Oxford U Press.
- Steinberg, Stephen
- 1989 The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity and Class in America. Boston: Beacon Press.
- Turner, Terence
- 1993 Anthropology and Multiculturalism. Cultural Anthropology. 411-29.
- Williams, Brackette
- 1991 A Class Act: Anthropology and the Race to Nation Across Ethnic Terrain. Annual Review of Anthropology 18: 401-444.
- Bourgois, Philippe
- 1995 In Search of Respect. New York: Basic Books.
- Darder, Antonia and Rodolfo D. Torres, ed.
- 1998 The Latino Studies Reader: Culture, Economy, and Society. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
- Rodriguez, Clara
- 1994 Challenging Racial Hegemony: Puerto Ricans in the US. In Race. Gregory, S. and R. Sanjek, eds.
- Zavella, Patricia
- 1993 Feminist Insider Dilemmas: Constructing Ethnic Identity with ‘Chicana’ Informants.Frontiers 8(3):54-77.
- Kyeyoung, Park
- 1996 The Use and Abuse of Race and Culture: Black Korean Tension in America. American Anthropologist 98(3).
- Lowe, Lisa
- 1996 Immigrants Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics. Duke U Press.
- Pitkow, Marlene
- 1987 A Temple for Tourists in New York’s Chinatown. Journal of American Culture 10:107-114.
- Abrahams, Roger
- 1963 Deep Down in the Jungle: Negro Narrative Folklore From the Streets of Philadelphia. Reprint edition, 1970. Chicago: Aldine publishing Co.
- Baker, Lee
- 1994 The Location of Franz Boas within the African American Struggle. Critique of Anthropology.
- Bell, M.J.
- 1983 The World From Brown’s Lounge: An Ethnography of Black Middle Class Play. Urbana: U of Illinois Press.
- Blauner, Robert
- 1970 Black Culture: Myth or Reality?” in N. Whitten and J. Szwed, eds. Afro-American Anthropology. Pp. 347-366. Free Press.
- Davis, Allison, Burleigh G. Gardner and Mary R. Gardner
- 1941 Deep South: A Social Anthropological Study of Caste and Class. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago Press.
- Dollard, John
- 1937 Caste and Class in a Southern Town. New Haven, CT: Yale U Press.
- Drake, St. Clair and Horace R. Cayton
- 1945 Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City. Reprinted 1993. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- Du Bois, W.E.B.
- 1899 The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study. Reprint edition 1967. New York: Shocken Books.
- Frazier, E. Franklin
- 1939 The Negro Family in the United States. Revised and abridged by Nathan Glazer. 1966. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- ———
- 1949 The Negro in the United States. New York: Macmillan.
- ———
- 1957 Black Bourgeoisie. Reprint edition, 1967. New York: Collier.
- Gregory, Steven
- 1992 The Changing Significance of Race and Class in an African-American Community. American Ethnologist 19(2): 255-274.
- ———
- 1993 Race, Rubbish, and Resistance: Empowering Difference in Community Politics. Cultural Anthropology 8(1): 24-48.
- Gwaltney, John
- 1980 Drylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black America. New York: Vintage Books.
- ———
- 1981 Common Sense and Science: Urban Core Black Observations. IN Anthropologists at Home in North America: Methods and Issues in the Study of One’s Own Society. D.A. Messerschmidt, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge U Press.
- Hannerz, Ulf
- 1969 Soulside: Inquiries into Ghetto Culture and Community. New York: Columbia U Press.
- Harrison, Faye
- 1988 Introduction: An African Diaspora Perspective on Urban Anthropology. Urban Anthropology 17(2- 3): 111-142.
- Hernandez, Graciela
- 1995 Multiple Subjectivities and Strategic Positionality: Zora Neal Hurston’s Experimental Ethnographies. In Women Writing Culture. Ruth Behar and D. Gordon, eds.
- Herskovits, Melville J.
- 1941 The Myth of the Negro Past. Boston: Beacon.
- Hurston, Zora Neale
- 1935 Mules and Men. 1990 reprint. NY: Perennial Library.
- Jones, Jacqueline
- 1995 Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow: Black Women, Work, and the Family, From Slavery to the Present. New York: Random House.
- Liebow, Elliot
- 1967 Tally’s Corner: A Study of Negro Streetcorner Men. Boston: Little, Brown.
- Mintz, Sidney and Richard Price
- 1992 The Birth of African-American Culture: An Anthropological Perspective. Boston: Beacon Press.
- Orsi, Robert
- 1992 The Religious Boundaries of an In-Between People: Street Fest and the Problem of the Dark- Skinned Other in Harlem, 1920-1990. American Quarterly 44: 313-347.
- Powdermaker, Hortense
- 1939 After Freedom: A Cultural Study of the Deep South. New York: Viking Press.
- Rose, Tricia
- 1994 Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America. NH: Wesleyan U Press.
- Sandford, Mariellen R.
- 1987 Tourism in Harlem: Between Negative Sightseeing and Gentrification. Journal of American Culture 10:99-105.
- Stack, Carol
- 1974 All Our Kin: Strategies for Survival in a Black Community. New York: Harper and Row.
- Szwed, John
- 1972 An American Anthropological Dilemma: The Politics of Afro-American Culture. In Reinventing Anthropology. D. Hymes, ed. Pp. 153-181. NY: Pantheon Books.
- ———
- 1996 Call to Home: African Americans Reclaim the Rural South. New York: Basic Books.
- Valentine, Bettylou
- 1978 Hustling and Other Hard Work: Lifestyles in the Ghetto. New York: The Free Press.
- Valentine, Charles A.
- 1972 Racism and Recent Anthropological Studies of US Blacks. Human Organization 31: 95-98.
- Di Leonardo, Micaela
- 1984 Varieties of Ethnic Experience: Kinship, Class and Gender Among California Italian Americans. Ithaca: Cornell U Press.
- Dominguez, Virginia R.
- 1986 White by Definition: Social Classification in Creole Louisiana. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers U Press.
- Frankenberg, Ruth
- 1993 White Women, Race Matters: The Social Construction of Whiteness. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press.
- Lynd, Robert and Helen Merrill
- 1929 Middletown. Harcourt Brace.
- Myerhoff, Barbara
- ? The Los Angeles Jews’ “Walk for Solidarity:” Parade, Festival, Pilgrimage. In Symbolizing America. Herve Varenne, ed. Liincoln and London: U of Nebraska Press.
- Peltz, Rakhmiel
- 1997 From Immigrant to Ethnic Culture: American Yiddish in South Philadelphia. CA: Stanford U Press.
- Roediger, David R.
- 1991 The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class. New York: Verso.
- Sacks, Karen Brodkin
- 1995 How did Jews Become White Folks? In Race. Steven Gregory and Roger Sanjek, eds.
- Spiro, Melford E.
- 1955 The Acculturation of American Ethnic Groups. American Anthropologist 57: 1240-1252.
- Austin, Diane J.
- 1984 Urban Life in Kingston, Jamaica. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
- Basch, Linda G.
- 1987 The Politics of Caribbeanization: Vincentians and Grenadians in New York. In Caribbean Life in New York City: Sociocultural Dimensions. C.R. Sutton and E.M. Chaney, eds. New York: Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
- Chevannes, Barry, ed.
- 1998 Rastafari and Other African-Caribbean Worldviews. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers.
- Hurston, Zora Neale
- 1938 Tell My Horse: Voodoo and Life in Haiti and Jamaica. Reprint edition, 1990. NY: Harper & Row.
- Kasinitz, Philip
- 1992 Caribbean New York: Black Immigrants and the Politics of Race. Ithaca, NY: Cornell U Press.
- Kasinitz, Philip and Judith Freidenberg-Herbstein
- 1987 The Puerto Rican Parade and West Indian Carnival: Public Celebrations in New York City. In Caribbean Life in New York City. Constance R. Sutton and Elsa M. Chaney, eds. Pp. 327-360. New York: Center for Migration Studies.
- Laguerre, Michel S.
- 1982 Urban Life in the Caribbean: A Study of a Haitian Community. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman.
- Mintz, Sidney and Sally Price, eds.
- 1985 Caribbean Contours. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins U Press.
- Stewart, John O.
- 1989 Drinkers, Drummer, and Decent Folk: Ethnographic Narratives of Village Trinidad. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
- Sutton, Constance R.
- 1974 Cultural duality in the Caribbean. Caribbean Quarterly 14(2): 96-101.
- Sutton, Constance and E.M. Chaney, eds.
- 1987 Caribbean Life in New York City: Sociocultural Dimensions. New York: Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc.
- Williams, Brackette F.
- 1991 Stains on My Name, War in My Veins: Guyana and the Politics of Cultural Struggle. Durham, NC: Duke U Press.
- Wilson, Peter
- 1973 Crab Antics: The Social Anthropology of English-Speaking Negro Societies of the Caribbean. New Haven, CT: Yale U Press.
Medical Anthropology
- Balshem, Martha
- 1993 Cancer in the Community: Class and Medical Authority. Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Press.
- Brown, Peter J.
- 1998 Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing.
- Carlson, Robert
- 1996 The Political Economy of AIDS Among Drug Users in the U.S. American Anthropologist.
- Davis, Leonard J., ed.
- 1997 The Disability Studies Reader. New York: Routledge.
- Hoffert, Sylvia D.
- 1989 Private Matters: American Attitudes toward Childbearing and Infant Nurture in the Urban North, 1800-1860. Urbana and Chicago: U of Illinois Press.
- Martin, Emily
- 1994 Flexible Bodies: Tracking Immunity in American Culture: From the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Beacon.
- McGuire, Meredith B.
- 1988 Ritual Healing in Suburban America. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers U Press.
Class: Poor, Working Class
- Auletta, Ken
- 1982 The Underclass. New York: Random House.
- Burgess, Ernest W. and Donald J. Bogue, eds.
- 1964 Contributions to Urban Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Jencks, Christopher and Paul Peterson, eds.
- 1991 The Urban Underclass. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute Press.
- Katz, Michael B.
- 1989 The Undeserving Poor: From the War on Poverty to the War on Welfare. New York: Pantheon.
- ———
- 1995 Improving Poor People: The Welfare State, the ‘Underclass’ and Urban Schools as History. Princeton: Princeton U Press.
- Leacock, Eleanor, ed.
- 1971 The Culture of Poverty: A Critique. New York: Simon and Schuster.
- Lewis, Oscar
- 1966 The Culture of Poverty. Scientific American 215(4):19-25.
- ———
- 1966 La Vida. New York: Random House.
- Lykes, M. Brinton, Ali Banuazizi, Ramsay Liem and Michael Morris, eds.
- 1992 Myths About the Powerless: Contesting Social Inequalities. Philadelphia: Temple U Press.
- Nash, June C.
- 1989 From Tanktown to High Tech: The Clash of Community and Industrial Cycles. Albany: SUNY.
- Pappas, G.
- 1989 The Magic City: Unemployment in a Working Class Community. Ithaca: Cornell U Press.
- Peiss, Kathy
- 1986 Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn of the Century New York. Philadelphia: Temple U Press.
- Stacey, Judy
- 1990 Brave New Families: Stories of Domestic Upheaval in Late Twentieth Century America. NY: Basic Books.
- Susser, Ida
- 1982 Norman Street: Poverty and Politics in an Urban Neighborhood. New York: Oxford.
- ———
- 1996 The Construction of Poverty and Homelessness in US Cities. Annual Review of Anthropology 25.
- Valentine, Charles
- 1968 Culture and Poverty: Critique and Counter-Proposals. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Whyte, William Foote
- 1943 Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- Wilson, William Julius
- 1987 The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- ———
- 1989 The Underclass: Issues, Perspectives, and Public Policy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences 501: 182-192.
- ———
- 1996 When Work Disappears: The World of the New Urban Poor. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Class: Middle, Upper
- Blu, Karen
- 1979 Race and Ethnicity: Changing Symbols of Dominance and Hierarchy in the United States. Anthropological Quarterly 52: 77-85.
- Goldschmidt, Walter
- 1955 Social Class and the Dynamics of Status in America. American Anthropologist 57: 1209-1217.
- ———
- 1974 Social Class and the Dynamics of Status in America. In Anthropology and American Life. Joseph G. Jorgensen and Marcello Truzzi, eds. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
- Kottak, Conrad Phillip
- 1990 Prime-time Society: An Anthropological Analysis of Television and Culture. Belmont: Wadsworth, Inc.
- Marcus, George with Peter Dobkin Hall
- 1994 Lives in Trust: The Fortunes of Dynastic Families in Late Twentieth-Century America. Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford: Westview Press.
- McCarthy, Kathleen D.
- 1991 Women’s Culture: American Philanthropy and Art, 1830-1930. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- Mills, C. Wright
- 1956 The Power Elite. New York: Oxford U Press.
- Myerhoff, Barbara
- 1994 Number Our Days. NAL/Dutton.
- Newman, Katherine S.
- 1988 Falling From Grace: The Experience of Downward Mobility in the American Middle Class. New York: Vintage Books.
- ———
- 1994 Deindustrialization, Poverty, and Downward Mobility: Toward an Anthropology of Economic Disorder. In Diagnosing America. Shepard Forman, ed. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press.
- Odendahl, Theresa
- 1990 Charity Begins at Home: Generosity and Self-Interest Among the Philanthropic Elite. New York: Basic Books, Inc.
- Perin, Constance
- 1988 Belonging in America: Reading Between the Lines. Madison: U of Wisconsin Press.
- Shi, David
- 1985 The Simple Life; Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Silverman, Debora
- 1986 Selling Culture: Bloomingdale’s, Diana Vreeland and the Aristocracy of Taste in America. New York: Pantheon.
- Veblen, Thorstein
- 1953 The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions. New York: New American Library.
- Warner, W. Lloyd, M. Meeker and K. Eels
- 1949 Social Class in America. Chicago: U of Chicago Press.
- Weatherford, J. McIver
- 1985 Tribes on the Hill: The US Congress Ritual